Farm Worklog Mar. 8, 2024

Mostly repotting seedlings today: the orange caesalpinias, all the regular albizia julibrisson (like, nearly seventy yikes), the moringa, the yucca baccata, the polka dot plant, the seedless tomatoes, plus some bonus Malabar spinach that were growing in them (accidentally dumped the Malabar spinach pot into the bag of soil oops). Repotted the Cherokee Purple tomatoes, a few of the Rosy Finch.

Sowed: rosemary, Green pepper basil, mealy sage(?), lantanas, and the desert willow. Two more tomatoes: Mexico Midget and Fahrenheit Blues, and another pepper, Ancho Poblano.

Sprouts: nearly all the zinnias have sprouts, the Sacred Lotus, safflower, a bunch of the basils